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Have you or a loved one been accused of a crime in the Riverside area? At Riverside Criminal Attorney our Criminal Defense Team is devoted to providing aggressive and effective legal representation to maximize your chances resolving your case in the best possible manner... on your terms.

Riverside Criminal Attorney


Being arrested or charged with a crime can be frightening and overwhelming; especially, when your case is shrouded in a confusing process that is difficult to obtain answers. Whether you, a family member, or close friend are being investigated for a crime, have been charged with a crime for the first time, or you are someone who the Police seem to target contact Riverside Criminal Attorney for a free consult. Where you can sit down with a seasoned criminal defense attorney to discuss your case to develop a strategy to preserve your rights, protect your freedom, and resolve your case with the most favorable outcome possible.

A Riverside Criminal Attorney we’re
not a law mill:

At Riverside Criminal Attorney we specialize in exclusive representation. We are not a “law mill”. In fact, we only take a set number of cases so that our team can give our clients the individualized attention that is needed to help them prevail. Unlike other firms, you won’t have to call multiple times and face endless voicemails just to speak to your attorney. At Riverside Criminal Attorney you can contact our team 24/7 any day of the year to discuss your case and if for some reason we are not available you will hear back from our team within 24 hours of leaving a message.

If you or family member have been charged with a crime Call Us Now for a Free Consultation so that you start the path of putting your case behind you and returning to your life.

In many instances, the mere fact that the Government has filed charges against you, puts your future in jeopardy and can cause serious irreparable harm to both your professional and personal reputation.

A critical aspect of resolving your case, in your best interest, starts the instant the police take a report and submit the case to the District Attorney’s Office. This stage is commonly known as the “pre-indictment or pre-filing stage”. It’s a proven fact that aggressive and effective representation, early on, can have a significant impact on your case. Thus, it critical that you hire an experienced advocate, as soon as possible, who can aggressively represent your interest in both investigating and negotiating allegations made against you.

At Riverside Criminal Attorney we are well equipped to defend your rights. Our team of private investigators, psychologists, and other mitigation experts will work rigorously to develop defenses needed to obtain the most favorable outcome possible on your case.

So, if you or a family member have been arrested or anticipate that criminal charges will be filed against you, contact Riverside Criminal Attorney immediately to discuss your case. So that we can start developing a strategy to protect your rights, preserve your freedom and begin resolving your case before it is even filed.

Contact Us Now for a free consultation to discuss your case with our team of dedicated professionals.

At Riverside Criminal Attorney we understand how important it is that we keep your case confidential. We will only ever discuss your case with you, or certain instances individuals who you give us permission to communicate with about your case.

A pillar of our representation is discretion. Not only are we ethically bound by the California Rules of Professional Conduct to keep any your information and all communications that you make to our office, regarding your case, confidential. But at Riverside Criminal Attorney we have represented numerous high profile clients and understand the importance exercising discretion on behalf of our clients to protect their rights and maintain their reputations. 

Under both the U.S. and California State Constitution you are guaranteed certain rights of protection from the Government---whether it be your right against unreasonable searches and seizures, your right to an attorney under Miranda, or your right to a public and speedy trial our team will ensure that your rights are not violated. And if they are, we will work diligently to exclude anu evidence that was obtained illegally, to weaken the Government’s case against you to get it reduced or possibly dismissed.

If the Government is unfairly overcharging you, our team has extensive experience successfully defending clients in over fifty jury trials. Often we were able to exonerate our clients or beat the initial pretrial offer made by the Government to resolve the case.

 When a case cannot be resolved via plea agreement, the Government typically implements the following process to prosecute an individual accused of a crime.

 Investigation: During this phase, a law enforcement agency will gather evidence and interview witnesses to piece together the events surrounding the alleged crime. During this stage, the Government is building a case against you so they may interview you or other witnesses. Or even search you, your vehicle, or home. Thus, it is essential to contact Riverside Criminal Attorney immediately to for a free consult to retain aggressive and experienced Defense Team that will best prepare you for any criminal investigation by helping you anticipate questions investigators may ask and advising you of your rights during the investigation.

Arrests and Charges: During this stage, if the investigation complies evidence that points to your guilt, then you could be charged with a crime and arrested. At this point, the police might search you or confiscate and search your phone or car. Thus, it is important to consult Riverside Criminal Attorney to ensure that your rights are not violated and you are not overcharged.

Arraignment: This is your first appearance in court where you will be advised of the charges and allegations against you. You will also be advised of your Constitutional rights. During this stage, it is important to contact and retain an aggressive and experienced Defense Attorney who can explain the charges alleged against you, discuss all evidence, and explain the impacts of entering a plea agreement before making any decisions.

Bail: Bail is typically addressed during your arraignment. During this phase, a Judge may release you on your own recognize, a supervised released, set bail, or deny bail altogether. Thus, it is important to have an aggressive and diligent attorney to argue a fair bail or release during the pendency of your case.

 Felony Readiness Conference: During this stage, both sides will discuss their respective cases with a Judge. Either side may seek a continuance to conduct further investigation, to review discovery, or negotiate further. Or the parties may elect to proceed to the next step and confirm the Preliminary Examination for a future date.

Preliminary Examination:  During this step, the Prosecutor must prove that there is enough evidence and probable cause for the Judge to bind Defendant over and hold them to answer to felony charges by determining there is enough evidence to proceed to trial. The burden of proof at this hearing is a Probable Cause standard meaning: it is more likely than not that a crime was committed, and that the Defendant was the party who committed the alleged crime. Often, the Government will not call actual witness but rather rely on Police reports and testimony to hold a Defendant to answer. At your Preliminary Examination, the Government will also attempt to convince the Judge that Defendant's alleged behavior was felonious.

For the reasons discussed above, it is critical to have a zealous attorney from Riverside Criminal Attorney, who has conducted hundreds of Preliminary Hearings and is well equipped to discredit and contradict evidence, put on by the Government during your Preliminary Examination, to have your case dismissed or reduced to a misdemeanor.

Pre Trial-Readiness: During this stage either party may file motions to address various legal issues, including any of your rights that may have been violated during the Preliminary Examination, an illegal search, or investigation. The aggressive and experienced Defense Team at Riverside Criminal Attorney might also use this time frame to assemble a mitigation package to reach a favorable resolution of your case, on your terms.

Trial: During this stage, each side will present relevant evidence, testimony, and arguments to a judge or a jury to reach a verdict. Here, the prosecutor must prove your guilt beyond any reasonable doubt.  Thus, it is essential that a zealous and experienced legal team like Riverside Criminal Attorney represents you. Who will give you the best fighting chance to ensure a victory at trial and protect your freedom.

Voir Dire:  Is Latin for "seek the truth". During this stage of the trial, the Judge typically explains the trial process to the jury panel and goes over a general questionnaire with each juror to determine if the juror meets the general qualifications needed to serve on a jury. At the end of the Judge's questions, each side is given an opportunity to challenge a juror for cause. Challenging a juror for cause means a juror has discussed or exhibited a bias that illustrates they cannot properly serve as a juror in your particular case. Both sides are then given a chance to ask follow-up the jury panel questions to determine if those particular jurors are the right jurors for your case.

During this phase, it is extremely important to have a veteran trial attorney like Jonathan Reza, who has conducted over fifty jury trials, by your side during this phase of your trial.  During this phase, Riverside Criminal Attorney will equip you with a Defense Attorney who is proficient at objecting to improper questions and excluding jurors who the Prosecutor may be relying upon to unfairly convict you.

Therefore, you will need a lawyer who is familiar with the voir dire process and knows what questions to ask prospective jurors to secure the best possible jury for your case.      

Finally, both sides are then given a chance to exclude prospective jurors via pre-emptory challenges. Pre-emptory challenges may be based on anything, other than protected categories such as race, sex, and sexual orientation. Hence, it is important to have a knowledgeable and experienced attorney like Michael who is familiar with the Pre-Emptory process, knows how to exclude prospective jurors who may be unfavorable for your case, and is skilled at keeping and placing jurors who are more favorable for your case.

Impanel Jury:  After both parties exhaust their pre-emptory challenges or the parties agree to the selected panel, the Judge will swear in or impanel the jury.

Opening Statements: During this stage both parties are given the opportunity to give an Opening Statement. Opening Statements are the lawyers' first opportunity to address the jury at trial. Because the Government bears the burden of proof, the Prosecutor is given the first opportunity to address the jury. The purpose of an Opening Statement is to give the jury a preview of the case. Opening Statements are supposed to describe the parties, outline the nature of the issue in dispute, and present a concise overview of the facts and evidence. All so the jury can better understand the overall case.

Hence, it is critical to have an experienced and proficient attorney like Michael who will frame the evidence in a way that is favorable to the counsel's theory of the case, highlight the shortcomings in the Government's case, outline what we expect the evidence will actually prove, and instruct the jury to deliver a not guilty verdict at the end of the case.

Government's Case-in-chief: During this stage, the Government will call both expert and lay witnesses to admit evidence that supports their case. And at the end of their case in chief the Government will rest.

As a result, it is extremely important to have a well-practiced Defense Team that is proficient enough to discredit the Government’s witnesses during cross examination. It is also important to have a skilled trial lawyer who knows how to object and exclude improper testimony and evidence. As well as, make the proper motions necessary to dismiss case if the Prosecution does not satisfy their burden during their case-in-chief.

Defendant's Case-in-chief: During this stage, our Defense team outshines most all other criminal defense firms. At Riverside Criminal Attorney, we have taken over fifty trials to verdict. As such, we will investigate your case much more thoroughly than the Government equipping us with facts that the Government is typically not aware of during their investigation.  More important, at Riverside Criminal Attorney we are exceptionally qualified at prepping witnesses and clients for testimony, filing the proper motions at trial to exclude unfavorable evidence, getting favorable evidence admitted, and developing and presenting affirmative defenses that will help you win. Ultimately, protecting your rights and freedom.

Closing Arguments: During this stage, each party is given an opportunity to give a Closing Argument. Because the Prosecution bears the burden of proof, the Government is given the first opportunity to address the jury. Then, the Defense is given an opportunity to address the jury. Finally, the Prosecution is given a chance to rebut the Defense’s argument. During this phase, it is extremely important to have an attorney by your side, who has presented a Closing Argument before and is persuasive enough to frame the strongest arguments possible that highlight your innocence so that you can prevail at trial and protect your freedom.

Verdict:  After Closing Arguments, the Jury is excused to conducted deliberations in the Jury Room. During this phase, the jury typically selects a foreperson and reviews all the evidence presented. Ultimately, the jury will return with a verdict of guilty meaning you are responsible for the crimes alleged or not guilty meaning that you are not responsible for the crimes alleged.

Sentencing: If the jury finds you guilty, a separate hearing is set, and the Judge will order the Probation Department to complete a Probation Report advising the Judge what punishment you should receive. Typically, at the Sentencing Hearing the Judge will hear recommendations from the Probation Department, the Prosecution, and your Defense Attorney regarding the appropriate sentence. Here, it is equally important to have a skilled Attorney who is able to present factors on your behalf to receive the best possible outcome.

Whether you are facing criminal charges in Riverside our dedicated team will be there to represent your interests and protect your freedom.

At Riverside Criminal Attorney we are trial lawyers who exclusively practice State and Federal Criminal Defense.  Our team has extensive experience successfully representing clients in a full spectrum of criminal charges discussed below in more detail.  And, if we can’t take your case, we will do our best to refer you to one of our associates who can. 

Business and Profession Crimes

  • Contracting without a license.
  • Fraudulent use of Contractors License.
  • Taking deposits over 10% or 1000.

Driving Offenses: Driving Offenses in California typically involves operating a motor vehicle upon a California roadway by driving reckless; evading officers; or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  Driving Offense can have a serious impact on your future.  If convicted of a driving offense, the Government can seek jail, ask the court to impose  hefty fines, restrict or revoke your driving privileges, and compel you to wear an ankle bracelet that monitors your sobriety. Not to mention the effect a conviction will have on your record and future going forward.

Given the serious impacts that can result from a driving offense conviction, it is critical to have a seasoned lawyer by your side who knows the inns and outs of the California Vehicle Code to ensure that your rights are not violated and that you are able to resolve your case, preserve your freedom, and protect your future.

  • Driving without a license.
  • Evading Police (high speed chase).
  • Exhibition of Speed (racing).
  • Reckless Driving.
  • Exhibition of Speed.
  • DUI.
  • DUI causing injury.
  • DUI causing death/ manslaughter.

Domestic Violence Crimes: Domestic violence accusations are very difficult given the effect that they can have on your job, your family, and even your living situation.  At Riverside Criminal Attorney, our team has extensive experience addressing the multi layered dynamics of a Domestic Violence cases.  From resolving the charges, to fighting restraining orders, and preserving your gun rights our team has assisted hundreds of clients in successfully resolving their Domestic Violence cases.   So that those clients could get back to their lives and rebuild relationships with their loved ones.

 If you or a loved one has been charged with Domestic Violence charge contact our office immediately to discuss your case and protect your family.

  • Corporal Injury upon a Spouse oe Person who you are or have had a dating relationship.
  • Child abuse/neglect.
  • Child abuse causing great bodily injury/ loss of consciousness.
  • Child abuse causing death.
  • Child neglect causing great bodily injury/ loss of consciousness.
  • Child neglect causing death.
  • Elder Abuse.
  • False imprisonment.
  • Stalking.
  • Temporary Restraining Orders.
  • Restraining Orders.
  • Criminal Protective Orders.
  • Violating Restraining Order Issued to Prevent Domestic Violence.

Drug Crimes

  • Concealing Drugs in Hidden Compartment.
  • Drug Possession.
  • Drug Transport.
  • Drug Sales/Distribution.
  • Drug Manufacturing.
  • Possession of Drugs in Correctional Facilty.
  • Prescription Forgery.

Expungements: In California an individual may withdraw a previous plea of guilty or no contest, re-enter a plea of not guilty, and have the case dismissed or expunged from their record under California Penal Code § 1203.4. When granted, an expungement can release you from many of the negative consequences of a criminal conviction.

Financial Crimes

  • Counterfeit Credit Cards.
  • Cybercrimes.
  • Credit Card Theft.
  • Extortion.
  • Embezzlement.
  • Insurance Fraud.
  • Forgery.
  • Fraud.
  • Fraudulent Checks.
  • Misuse of Personal Identifying Information.
  • Theft.
  • Unemployment Insurance Fraud.
  • Workers Comp Frud .

Gang Crimes

  • Participation in Criminal Street Gang.
  • Aiding and Abetting Criminal Street Gang.
  • Vandalism promoting a Criminal Street Gang.
  • Criminal Threats in furtherance of a Criminal Street Gang.

General Felonies

  • Resisting Executive Officer.
  • Criminal Threats.
  • Dirk and Dagger.
  • Evading Police.
  • Possession of Metal Knuckles.
  • Possession of a Billy Club.
  • Vandalism.

Gun Crimes:

  • Felon in possession of firearm/ammunition.
  • Felon in possession of tear gas.
  • Unregistered firearm.
  • Bump Stock.
  • Carrying a loaded Firearm.
  • Illegal Firearm.
  • Large Capacity Magazines.
  • Bullets Containing Explosive Agent.
  • Possession of machine gun.
  • Possession of explosives.
  • Restoring Gun Rights.

Hate Crimes

Juvenile Crimes: In California when a minor commits a criminal offense, they appear in a different court and undergo a hearing process designed for minors. Most juvenile offenses are heard and determined in juvenile courts where the courts focus is the best interest of the minor.  Thus, it is essential to a criminal attorney who understands the juvenile process and can help protect your child’s best interest.

If your child or loved one has been charged with a juvenile crime contact us immediately for a free consultation so that our team can assess your case to protect your child’s rights.

Mental Health/ Veterans Diversion: In June 2018, the California State Legislature passed California Senate Bill 215 (SB 215).  Essentially, this bill established Penal Code 1001.36.  This section of the Penal Code sets forth California’s Mental Health Diversion Program .  Through this program individuals who are charged with crime, who also mental health issues, may petition the court for treatment in lieu of prosecution and jail.   If the individual is admitted into the Mental Health Diversion and successfully completes treatment the Court will dismiss the criminal charges alleged.  Additionally, the individual’s record will then be sealed, for most purposes, as if the arrest had never happened.

 Likewise Veterans’ Diversion California Penal Code 1001.80 creates a military diversion program for Veterans or active-duty personnel facing misdemeanor charges who suffer from trauma or mental health problems. Specifically, this program allows for dismissal of the charges and sealing the arrest record if the individual successfully completes a treatment program.

Probation Violations: Most Courts will tell you that, “Probation is a privilege” yet at Riverside Criminal Attorney we understand that often issues arise that effect your probation status that are out of your control.  Regrettably, if you are charged with a probation violation you can be put in County Jail, local, or State Prison for the max term allowed on your case.  Furthermore, the standard that the Court uses to determine a probation revocation is preponderance of evidence standard. This means the Court weighs the evidence the Government and your Probation Officer presents against the evidence you and your attorney present. This is why it is important to have an experienced attorney who can advise how to proceed during an alleged probation violation. Or can convince the Court at the end of the hearing to take no action or impose a minimal sentence.

Sex Crimes:  Being accused of a sex crime can be extremely embarrassing, overwhelming, and leave you feeling hopeless; especially, if you are not guilty.  Unfortunately, mere allegations of sexual misconduct can affect your employment, your reputation, and even your marriage and family. And when everything is on the line, its important to have an experienced attorney from Riverside Criminal Attorney by your side who will zealously fight these allegations to protect your freedom and reputation.

  • Child Molestation.
  • Child Pornography.
  • Failure to Register.
  • Pimping and Pandering.
  • Rape.
  • Sexual Assault.
  • Sexual Battery.
  • Statutory Rape.


  • Receiving Stolen property.
  • Joyriding/misuse of vehicle.
  • Grand Theft.

California Three Strikes Law:

California Penal Code § 667 states, “If a Defendant has one or more serious of violent convictions….the determinate term or minimum term for an indeterminate term shall twice the term otherwise provided as punishment for the current felony conviction….If the Defendant has two or more serious or violent convictions the term for the current felony conviction shall be an indeterminate term of life.

Typically to be subjected to sentencing under the Three Strikes Law, the current offense must be a serious or violent offense and the Defendant has at least two prior convictions for violent or serious felony offenses.

If an individual has one strike prior, the court can double their sentence and that sentence must be served in State Prison. Furthermore, if the individual has a strike prior and picks up a new case and the new offense is a serious or violent felony the Government can seek what is commonly known as a “nickel enhancement” which adds five years to the individual’s sentence after it is doubled.

For these reasons, it is extremely important to partner with a lawyer from Riverside Criminal Attorney who has extensive experience fighting against and resolving three strike cases to avoid a possible life sentence.

Serious Felonies under California’s Three Strike Law

  • Murder/ Manslaughter
  • Mayhem.
  • Rape.
  • Sodomy by force, violence, duress, menace, threat of great bodily injury, or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury on the victim or another person.
  • Oral copulation by force, violence, duress, menace, threat of great bodily injury, or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury on the victim or another person.
  • Lewd or lascivious act on a child under the age of 14 years.
  • Any felony punishable by death or imprisonment in the state prison for life.
  • Any felony in which the defendant personally inflicts great bodily injury on any person, other than an accomplice, or any felony in which the defendant personally uses a firearm.
  • Attempted murder.
  • Assault with intent to commit rape or robbery.
  • Assault with a deadly weapon or instrument on a peace officer.
  • Assault by a life prisoner on a non-inmate.
  • Assault with a deadly weapon by an inmate.
  • Arson.
  • Exploding a destructive device or any explosive with the intent to injure.
  • Exploding a destructive device or any explosive causing bodily injury, great bodily injury or mayhem.
  • Exploding a destructive device or any explosive with intent to murder.
  • Any burglary of the first degree.
  • Robbery or bank robbery.
  • Kidnapping.
  • Holding of a hostage by a person confined in a state prison.
  • Attempt to commit a felony punishable by death or imprisonment in the state prison for life.
  • Any felony in which the defendant personally used a dangerous or deadly weapon.
  • Selling, furnishing, administering, giving, or offering to sell, furnish, administer, or give to a minor any heroin, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP), or any methamphetamine-related drug, as described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 11055 of the Health and Safety Code, or any of the precursors of methamphetamines, as described in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (f) of Section 11055 or subdivision (a) of Section 11100 of the Health and Safety Code.
  • Any violation of subdivision (a) of Penal Code Section 289 where the act is accomplished against the victim’s will by force, violence, duress, menace, or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury on the victim or another person.
  • Grand theft involving a firearm.
  • Carjacking.
  • A felony offense, which would also constitute a felony violation of Penal Code Section 186.22 (relating to criminal street gang sentencing enhancements).
  • Assault with the intent to commit mayhem, rape, sodomy, or oral copulation, in violation of Penal Code Section 220.
  • Assault with caustic chemicals, in violation of Penal Code Section 244.
  • Assault with a deadly weapon, firearm, machine gun, assault weapon, or semiautomatic firearm or assault on a peace officer or firefighter, in violation of Penal Code Section 245.
  • Assault with a deadly weapon against a public transit employee, custodial officer, or school employee, in violation of Penal Code Sections 245.2, 245.3, or 245.5.
  • Discharge of a firearm at an inhabited dwelling, vehicle, or aircraft, in violation of Penal Code Section 246.
  • Commission of rape or sexual penetration in concert with another person, in violation of Penal Code Section 264.1.
  • Continuous sexual abuse of a child, in violation of Penal Code Section 288.5.
  • Shooting from a vehicle, in violation of subdivision (c) or (d) of Penal Code Section 26100(relating to “drive-by” shootings).
  • Intimidation of victims or witnesses, in violation of Penal Code Section 136.1.
  • Criminal threats, in violation of Penal Code Section 422.
  • Any attempt to commit a “serious felony” other than an assault.
  • Any violation of Penal Code Section 12022.53.
  • A violation of subdivision (b) or (c) of Penal Code Section 11418 (relating to weapons of mass destruction).
  • Any conspiracy to commit a “serious felony.”
  • Any violation of Penal Code Section 191.5, paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 192, subdivision (a), (b), or (c) of Section 192.5 of this code, or Section 2800.3, subdivision (b) of Section 23104, or Section 23153 of the Vehicle Code, when any of these offenses involve the personal infliction of great bodily injury on any person other than an accomplice, or the personal use of a dangerous or deadly weapon, within the meaning of paragraph (8) or (23) of subdivision (c) of PC Section 1192.7.

Violent Felonies under California’s Three Strike Law

  • Murder or voluntary manslaughter.
  • Mayhem.
  • Rape as defined in paragraph (2) or (6) of subdivision (a) of Penal Code Section 261 or paragraph (1) or (4) of subdivision (a) of PC Section 262.
  • Sodomy as defined in subdivision (c) or (d) of Penal Code Section 286.
  • Oral copulation as defined in subdivision (c) or (d) of Penal Code Section 287.
  • Lewd acts on a child under the age of 14 years as defined in Penal Code Section 288.
  • Any felony punishable by death or imprisonment in the state prison for life.
  • Any felony in which the defendant inflicts great bodily injury on any person other than an accomplice which has been charged and proved as provided for in Penal Code Section 12022.7, 12022.8, or 12022.9 on or after July 1, 1977, or as specified prior to July 1, 1977, in PC Sections 213, 264, and 461, or any felony in which the defendant uses a firearm which has been charged and proved as provided in subdivision (a) of PC Section 12022.3, or Section 12022.5 or 12022.55.
  • Any robbery.
  • Arson in violation of subdivision (a) or (b) of Penal Code Section 451.
  • Sexual penetration as defined in subdivision (a) or (j) of Penal Code Section 289.
  • Attempted murder.
  • A violation of Penal Code Section 12308, 12309, or 12310 (with regard to destructive devices or explosives).
  • Kidnapping.
  • Assault with the intent to commit a specified felony, in violation of Penal Code 220 PC.
  • Continuous sexual abuse of a child, in violation of Penal Code Section 288.5.
  • Carjacking, as defined in subdivision (a) of Penal Code Section 215.
  • Rape, spousal rape, or sexual penetration, in concert, in violation of Penal Code Section 264.1.
  • Extortion, as defined in Penal Code Section 518, which would constitute a felony violation of Section 186.22 of the Penal Code (relating to criminal street gang sentencing enhancements).
  • Threats to victims or witnesses, as defined in Penal Code Section 136.1, which would constitute a felony violation of Section 186.22 of the Penal Code (relating to criminal street gang sentencing enhancements).
  • Any burglary of the first degree, as defined in subdivision (a) of Penal Code Section 460, wherein it is charged and proved that another person, other than an accomplice, was present in the residence during the commission of the burglary.
  • Any violation of Penal Code Section 12022.53.
  • A violation of subdivision (b) or (c) of Penal Code Section 11418 (relating to weapons of mass destruction).

Why should I choose Riverside Criminal Attorney

No matter where you fall in the criminal court process, it is critical to have the support of top notch experienced and aggressive defense attorney who can advocate on your behalf to protect your rights, preserve your freedom, and resolve your case with the most favorable outcome possible. At Riverside Criminal Attorney, we have a proven track record of doing just that---Successfully reducing, winning, and resolving criminal cases ranging from DUI to Murder.

Disclaimer: Past results and testimonials do not guarantee future results.


I can't thank Riverside Criminal Attorney enough for their exceptional service. The attorneys went above and beyond to ensure that my rights were protected and that I received a fair trial. Their attention to detail and personalized approach made a significant difference in the outcome of my case. Highly recommend!

- Janice K.

Riverside Criminal Attorney provided outstanding legal representation during a very stressful period. Their attorneys were not only highly knowledgeable but also genuinely caring. They took the time to understand my situation and worked diligently to secure a positive outcome. I felt supported every step of the way and highly recommend their services.

- Joe T.

Choosing CCLG Riverside was the best decision I could have made. The team demonstrated incredible skill and commitment, fighting tirelessly for my case. They provided clear guidance throughout the process and worked diligently to achieve the best possible result. Their support was invaluable, and I am truly grateful.

- Kate S.

Riverside Criminal Attorney was a lifesaver during a very challenging time. Their team handled my case with the utmost professionalism and dedication. From the initial consultation to the final verdict, they kept me informed and reassured. Their expertise and strategic approach led to a favorable outcome, and I couldn't be more grateful for their support.

- Mike S.

The Riverside Criminal Attorney Law Firm exceeded my expectations in every way. Their knowledgeable and compassionate attorneys made the legal process much less daunting. They took the time to explain every step and were always available to answer my questions. Thanks to their hard work and dedication, I was able to move forward with my life.

- Robert M.

I can't thank Riverside Criminal Attorney enough for their exceptional service. The attorneys went above and beyond to ensure that my rights were protected and that I received a fair trial. Their attention to detail and personalized approach made a significant difference in the outcome of my case. Highly recommend!

- Janice K.

Contact Us

I can't thank Riverside Criminal Attorney enough for their exceptional service. The attorneys went above and beyond to ensure that my rights were protected and that I received a fair trial. Their attention to detail and personalized approach made a significant difference in the outcome of my case. Highly recommend!

- Janice K.

I can't thank Riverside Criminal Attorney enough for their exceptional service. The attorneys went above and beyond to ensure that my rights were protected and that I received a fair trial. Their attention to detail and personalized approach made a significant difference in the outcome of my case. Highly recommend!

- Janice K.

Riverside Criminal Attorney provided outstanding legal representation during a very stressful period. Their attorneys were not only highly knowledgeable but also genuinely caring. They took the time to understand my situation and worked diligently to secure a positive outcome. I felt supported every step of the way and highly recommend their services.

- Joe T.

Choosing CCLG Riverside was the best decision I could have made. The team demonstrated incredible skill and commitment, fighting tirelessly for my case. They provided clear guidance throughout the process and worked diligently to achieve the best possible result. Their support was invaluable, and I am truly grateful.

- Kate S.

Riverside Criminal Attorney was a lifesaver during a very challenging time. Their team handled my case with the utmost professionalism and dedication. From the initial consultation to the final verdict, they kept me informed and reassured. Their expertise and strategic approach led to a favorable outcome, and I couldn't be more grateful for their support.

- Mike S.

The Riverside Criminal Attorney Law Firm exceeded my expectations in every way. Their knowledgeable and compassionate attorneys made the legal process much less daunting. They took the time to explain every step and were always available to answer my questions. Thanks to their hard work and dedication, I was able to move forward with my life.

- Robert M.

29970 Technology Drive, suite 205F, Murrieta, Ca. 92563